About Me

I have two children a boy age 3.5 and a girl age 15 months, we are expecting the child # 3 in November.  My husband is Active Duty Air Force.  I desperately want to achieve my not yet attained goal of running a marathon, though after having 2 kids I have almost given up running completely.  I am working now to get back in shape to make running that elusive marathon a possibility.   I enjoy music, teaching piano lessons, camping, crocheting, cooking, organizing and trying to be crafty.  I don't like doing dishes. 
In my former life (before kids) I attended and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Brigham Young University with a B.A. in School Health Education.  I competed for BYU's cross country and track team, which gave me the opportunity to travel all over the country and even spend a couple of weeks in Europe. It was awesome. 

BYU Girls Cross Country Team

5k Indoor Race - PR of 17:28
 Before BYU I attended Paradise Valley Community College in Phoenix, Arizona.  I also ran track and cross country at PVCC, which gave the confidence and skills I needed to be able to eventually compete for BYU.  My freshman year at PVCC, as a team we won the NJCAA Women's National Cross Country Championships.   That was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.  All season we worked and planned toward our goal of winning...and then achieved it. 
My Sophomore year I was the NJCAA Steeplechase National Champion.   Since most people don't know what a steeplechase for people is I generously included some pictures.  It's 3000 meters with big thick barriers the height of normal hurdles, but they really hurt when you run into them.  Or trip over them.  Unfortunately I know this from personal experience. 

Then once every lap you also get to do a water jump, which is fun when it is hot and not so fun when it is cold.  The water is about 3 feet deep at the deepest point but slopes out so you try and jump as far out as possible so you run through as little water as possible.

Anyway.  So that was my life before college ended and real life began.   I have lots of experience of being at the top of my game, and now I unfortunately have experience of what it's like to be at the bottom.  After an almost 5 year break from running, having 2 kids and one on the way, I am determined to find my way back into the running world without neglecting my most important and most beloved job of being a mother.  Hopefully I can help others do the same. 

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