Friday, June 7, 2013

DIY Breakfast Mixes

The instant my children wake up they become food monsters.  "Need Breakfast!  Need Breakfast!"  We've been resorting to cereal a lot lately but that's been getting expensive.  And I'm not a big fan of cereal.  I love hot breakfasts but they take time.  And buying mixes just gets expensive again and they aren't that good.  So here is the perfect solution.  DIY Breakfast Mixes.

Step 1.  Pick your favorite simple recipes.

Step 2.  Label all baggies with Recipe Name, Bake temperature (if needed), and all wet ingredients. 

Step 3.  Mix 1 recipe worth of dry ingredients in a bowl, then dump mix into corresponding plastic baggie. 

Step 4.  Repeat Steps 1-3. 

Note: These baggies could definitely be reused the next time you make a big batch! 

This didn't take as much time as I thought it would initially because you start memorizing the ingredients and leaving each measuring spoon in the right container so it was just "scoop, scoop, scoop."  The only really important part is Make sure you write on your bags BEFORE you fill them.  Otherwise it gets a little tricky.  I chose 5 recipes and made 5 batches of each.  So now I have 25 nearly ready to go breakfast mixes.  Way more than I could use in a month.  I used my first mix yesterday and it was marvelous.  It's amazing how much time you save not having to get out the cookbook or the dry ingredients.  Okay so it's probably only 6-7 minutes of saved time, but 6-7 minutes can be the difference in children who are hungry but patiently waiting to children who are starving and throwing a tantrum.  Totally worth it. 

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