Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Here's To Next Year

My workout today on paper:  "15 min run."  My workout today in real life:  Get the kids dressed.  Decided I would try letting A. ride his bike so I only had to push C. in the jogger.  He was happy about that for about 30 seconds.  "Mom!  My legs are cold!  Mom!  My legs are tired!  Mom!  Can I ride in the stroller?"  With gentle encouragement I finally convinced him to ride once around the block. 
As we are nearing home he starts falling behind and riding reeeeaaaalllly slow.  I keep running and pretty soon from really far behind me I hear "Nee Nee Nee Nee Neeee Nee (not quite sure how that is spelled) I'm going to beat you!"  I turn around and see A. still peddling slow and looking like this: 

I decided this was way too ironic of a moment to pass up.  This is definitely me.  Right now.  I'm way at the back of the pack chugging along slowly and shouting "Nee Nee Nee Nee Neeee Nee!  I'm going to beat you!"  And then when the other racers give me weird looks and pass me, I think, well, not right now I guess...but next year!   So here's to having ridiculous courage in seemingly overwhelming odds.  And to next year. 

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